In The Beginning

In March 2020 a charity in London was busy feeding people who were in the grip of the pandemic. Some 240,000 meals were provided by that charity during the next twelve months.

It wasn’t just physical food of course.

Just as important, surely, was the hand of friendship offered by the Charity to those in need. Emotional nourishment.

London may be a city of ten million people. But it can be a lonely place.

The writer had a sense of that hand of friendship when the Charity, Dads House, welcomed him as a fellow helper a year ago.

In the beginning we had four clients each week to see, advise and look after.

Perhaps more significant than any purely legal advice was the knowledge, experience and kindness that the head of our Charity offered to our clients in the background.

So our clients received truly holistic help.

And one of the most moving developments in the story of our family law clinic has been the contribution of the law students who joined us as advisers. Linette, Katie, Laura, Anna and Lucy. Young people who week by week gave of themselves to help our clients.

Our students are often closer in age to our clients than us now three qualified lawyers superintending sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays each week.

Our students are emotionally intelligent, clever and selfless. They always take part in our client meetings. They draft documents, attend court hearings with our clients. And most of all, they care.

One of us three lawyers is a senior barrister whose expertise is a beacon for our clients.

We have lost count of the kind tributes that we have had from the clients whom we serve.

One of the most remarkable jewels in the crown is the expertise and generous professionalism of Coram Chambers in London.

Whenever we have needed a barrister to represent a client in court, one of their barristers has volunteered. They’ve helped our clients so much. And they have taught all of us. One of them is even giving her time to teach Advocacy to pro bono solicitors through the wonderful help of LawWorks.

As kindness has given birth to kindness, I take you back to the beginning. To a charity full of altruism and selflessness.

All of you who read this are invited to come to observe our work.

We guarantee a warm welcome.

As to the future, and our work, there will never be an end.

Simon Bruce - Supervising Solicitor, 22 May 2021


Sweet Thames run softly till I end my song


A Brief Introduction to Family Law at Dads House